May 1, 2012

4th Grade - BrainPOP FREE Movie Summary

    1. Today, you will pick a BrainPOP FREE MOVIE to watch!
    2. Read the Q&A Section
    4. Write a SUMMARY of the movie you watched - include at least 5 sentences.  You need to include the TITLE of your movie.
      Write your summary by clicking on the comment link below. When you are finished writing, click "Comment as" and choose "NAME / URL" type your first name in and leave URL blank. Make sure you capitalize and add punctuation.
    5. When you finish, you can read the FYI Section and complete one of the Activities for the movie, make sure you print it.
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      1. Asthma is a common disease. Asthma harms the passageway of air. This is caused by harmful things in the air like dust and smoke. When your passageways get blocked, you should use your inhaler. Even if you have asthma, you can still play sports. Even I have asthma and allergies both and I play sports!
        Movie ASTHMA

        1. This is a very good summary of asthma.

        2. hi Jawad is it easy or hard to deal with asthma????

        3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... that is really funny

        4. Did you know that former president John F. Kennedy had asthma??

        5. when i was little, it was really hard but it has gotten better.

        6. Great job! Did you know that I have asthma too?

        7. WOAH!!! really?! I did not know that.

        8. I meant the john f kennedy part.

        9. yeah, on some days

        10. Is it hard having asthma?

      2. The title of my movie is Asthma. Asthma can be well treated. Stress, running, and dirty air. Even athletes in the Olympics have asthma. Doctors can treat it really easily so the athletes can do almost anything.

        1. I think everyone in the class besides me did asthma.

        2. Asthma
          I agree lots of people have asthma even some singers and athletes.It's simple treating asthma.Although it's better if you have asthma to live somewhere far away from traffic or warm and moist areas.Some of the easy ways to have an asthma attack is if you breathe polluted air or allergic reactions.But now there is a easier way to stay away from an asthma attack get in inhaler if you want to go outside and play.

        3. Awesome job!

        4. I didn't do asthma.

        5. well it's fun learning about asthma Nikhil

      3. The movie that I watched was called Asthma. I was informed that asthma is a minor condition of the lungs. Asthma attacks are when a person's airways contract causing shortness of breath and wheezing. These attacks can be triggered by dirty or polluted air, lots of activity, certain foods, or a strong emotion of stress or anger. Many famous people have had asthma, including Olympic athletes. Overall, if treated properly, asthma is not serious in any way.

        1. Funny, I did this, too! Great summary! (I think Madi did it, too).

        2. Wow Taylor! I did not know that much about asthma until now. That was a VERY good summery!


        3. Thanks for the positive feedback!

        4. Nice job Taylor. You had the longest summary in the class

      4. Digital and non-digital cameras are different in many ways. For example, digital cameras do not need film. Non-digital cameras do. Digital cameras are usually small and light. But non-digital cameras are bigger and heavier than digital.

        Movie- Cameras

      5. I watched the movie on the civil war. It was a really good movie because the described the civil war very well.I also liked the movie because it gave you lots of facts facts on the civil war. I learned that the civil war was the bloodiest war in all of history buy far. But my favorite part was that they told you about the emancipation proclamation and described Wat it was and who made it.

        1. Hey nice job dude!

        2. Did you know that confederate general Robert E. Lee traveled with a pet chicken?

        3. Did you do this because we studied it?

        4. I did not know that! Interesting!

        5. I never knew it was the bloodiest war.That is an interesting fact.

      6. This is my summary of the movie Asthma.
        Asthma is a reaction to polluted air, strong emotions, or could be from physical actions. What the result of these actions could be an asthma attack. An asthma attack is when your body reacts by making mucus, and blocking air flows. This makes the person wheeze. An inhaler has medicine that makes the air flow open up again. This is why people with asthma should ALWAYS carry an inhaler with them. There is no cure for asthma, but it is not a serious condition. Even people in the Olympics have asthma!

      7. Asthma is a fairly common condition to a lot of people. It is when your lungs get all swollen or inflamed. Many athletes have Asthma and they do not let bother them. If you have Asthma, it is sometimes not good to be around air pollution or people who smoke. People who have Asthma are regular people just like us. The movie I watched was called ASTHMA.

        1. I found this very interesting, and I found that you are a great summarizer!

        2. Great job! Bravo!

        3. Thank you Georgia! Your summery is totally awesome!

        4. Thanks Taylor! Your is totally awesome to!

      8. Mars
        Mars is a planet next yo the Earth. It is about half the size of Earth. Mars is a planet that is red and orange mixed together. It has rich soil. It is like a desert climate, even though there can be snow there at some times. Scientists believe that there can be dry ice and also water ice.

        1. Nice job nikhil!

        2. Great summary!

        3. Nice summary Nikhil its alright that you didnt do asthma maybe someone in the next class will do mars

        4. Wait...Do you mean it snows with water? Because snow is made of water, and if it snowed on Mars, then there's water. Or do you mean acid snow?

      9. Animation is made by different pictures played fast to make it look like it's moving. Animation can also be made by figures getting a picture then people move them a little and take a picture. Flash lets people make videos, short movies, and commercials. Animation can also be made by people moving in a special suit so people take the movement and play it on a computer. Movie Computer animation.

        1. Dude! Amazing summery!I LOVE going on the computer so this was great for me!

        2. This summary is very interesting.

        3. I LOVE animation! You are VERY good!

        4. The "Animation" movie is one of my favorites! Animating looks like A LOT of work - but a lot of fun!!!

      10. Martin Luther King Jr.
        Martin Luther King Jr. was an inspirational man who lead the United States away from segregation. He lead many boycotts, and marches to end segregation, he was also known for his most famous speech "I Have a Dream" speech. This let people know that segregation was wrong and unjust. Sadly, U.S police officers were not as peaceful as the protesters. They sent many to jail, physically hurt them, and used racial words. Martin Luther King Jr. also led the Washington march. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, outwitted the Jim Crow Laws (They made segregation legal) and helped stop segregation. Even though he was assassinated, what he did for the country made the U.S a truly free place.

        1. I love your summary! It is great

        2. Great summary!

        3. Oops. I did the wrong kind of led. I accidentally put LEAD instead of led. Sorry!

        4. Nice job Sabrina!

        5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

        6. Good Job Sabrina!

      11. The Civil War was the most bloodiest war in American history. Some people sat on a hill and watched the war. The Gettysburg Address was written by Abe Lincoln and was used as a pep rally to get the soldiers to fight. It was because the south wanted slaves but the north didn't. Both sides thought it would be over soon but it wasn't. Movie CIVIL WAR.

        1. You thought of something. Nice.

        2. Hi Alex you are awesome nice summary

      12. I watched the movie about asthma it was good. But the summary is asthma can happen when theirs a lot of bacteria in the can cause chemicals in your lungs.When your running, mad or in a bad place to breath air.then asthma attacks can happen that's what I learned about asthma.

      13. I watched whith Tim and Mobey mars and Mars is just like Earth. Mars has a North and South pole that actually have frozen ice.People haven't been on mars because they are afraid that the people would get a nuckular sickness that could give them cancer or parolize them. Many people also didn't go because they thought that there was no water. But now that they found some that will soon turn into large gulliesof water. president Brack Obama said in the year of 2030 they would send a elite team of space men and wemon to Mars.

        1. I didn't know mars had a North and South Pole that have ice

        2. Great summary!

        3. that is pretty good

        4. Awesome summary

        5. Wow! I never knew so much about Mars! Though, I think woman is spelled women. It's awesome, though!

        6. Great summery Grant! So much good information about Mars! I love it. Nice and interesting!

        7. Great summary. Lots of info!

      14. The title of my movie is Mars. A mars day is 24 hours and 27 minutes long. Almost the same as earth. There is water on mars but it's only at the north and south pole. Mars is the most similar planet to earth. Mars has two moons.

      15. My movie was digital editing. It was mostly about how you make movies. I learned the process of the making of a brain pop movie. It takes a long time to make a brain pop movie. Digital editing is very interesting!

        1. Very interesting! I never knew it took a long time to publish a movie!

        2. Ellie how long does it take to make a brain pop movie

        3. It depends how long you want the movie to be.

      16. My movie was Blogs. Lots of people do blogs to show a recipe for food, to show news about a certain thing, or to write a diary or journal. Most people also add comments so they can chat with their friends and people who comment. They also add comments so they can see what people say. In the mid 1990s, a college student, Justin Hall, created the first blog. His was about an online diary. Anyone can create a blog. It is a cheap and easy way to share information or find news about a certain thing.

        1. good job avi i did blogs as well

        2. Avi i did mine on The civil war. good job

      17. Asthma is a fairly disease. It swells the air ways and makes it hard to get oxygen. People who have asthma should keep their inhalers with them at all times. Doctors of people who have asthma recommend a chart that they give to their patients and makes them bring it to every appointment. This helps them see how they are doing.With proper care,many people with asthma can do things that people without asthma can do.Many athletes in the Olympic even have asthma! The movie I watched was asthma.

        1. The thing about the chart is very interesting.

        2. Great job Sidhant! Lots of detail!

      18. My movie is called Jane Goodall. Jane Goodall is a famous scientist who studies the behavior of primates. She first stared her career with a man named Louis Leakey. She traveled to Kenya and then to Tanzania to study chimpanzees.Afterwards she went back to her birthplace London,England to get a doctorate in ethology at Cambridge University.She studied the way chimps used tools and fought wars like humans. She also gave the chimps names not numbers. She believed each chimp had there own personality. She studied the same group of chimps for 45 years. She wrote The Chimpanzees of Gombe and founded the Jane Goodall Institute. She also gave speeches all around the world about primates and how they are like humans.

        1. Nice job. So much detail!

        2. Great summery. Sooooo much detail. Just like mine!

      19. I learned about the civil war. The first battle of the civil war was at Fort Sumter. The general of the Confederate army was General E. Lee. The leader of the Union army was Ulysses S. Grant. General E.Lee surrendered to Ulysses S Grant at the appamatex court house.

        1. Good summery! The Civil War is always interesting to me no mater how many times I read it! Great job!

      20. asthma is a common disease. you can prevent it with the right care. and it was very interesting. you learned about it.

        1. your review was awesome!

        2. A short summery but great information. Good job.

      21. Hey again I did blogs today. It was pretty cool to learn about blogs. If y'all are wondering i am going to make a blog soon. One website you can use is I hope y'all like my comment.Please reply.

        1. hey Jacob really interesting.

        2. Jacob yours is awesome, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg

        3. Hey Guys I did mine bine bon blogs and it was amazing and I might make another on Weebly. Please Reply

      22. Interesting but that's not really information about a blog.

      23. My movie was about asthma. Asthma is a disease that happens when you have shortness trouble breathing, coughing, or tightness in the chest. Bactria, mold,dust, can trigger and asthma attack. When the Bactria gets into the lungs,they release chemicals that make the tunnel close. It makes it hard to breathe. Other things that can trigger and asthma attack are exercising,food allergies,weather, and even anger issues or laughing really hard. That's way some people take inhalers. Inhalers is a medicine that people with asthma take. The medicine in the inhaler releases in the tunnels, with makes it stop swelling and lets the person to stop breathing. You can treat asthma with the right care, and you will get better.

        1. Great job! Nice details and nice information! I've never goten asthma!

      24. True but did you like it any way. Avi ;- )

      25. My movie was the International Space Station. It was about all of the things it can do and how it was built. 16 different countries helped build it. Including the US. There are all kinds of different things it can do. It also has zero gravity! The International Space Station is really cool!

      26. The title of my movie is The International Space Station. The ISS is still not finished.16 countries including the US have helped build it. They started in 1988.the first moguel to come up was the Russian Research Lab.Everyone stays for 6 months at a time.

      27. Mars is like earth. The whole day is 24 hours and 37 minutes on Mars. Their might be water ice on Mars or dry ice on Mars. Their is this thing called Death Valley in California. NASA discovered it. Their is also a Death Valley on Mars. In California their is a lake called Mono Lake. Hawaiian volcanoes are much smaller than Mars big volcanoes.

      28. Dylan we did the exact same one

      29. I watched the movie the movie about blogs.When your on the blog you should not give out personal information. blogs are just like your personal diary.there are so many types of blogs but, the only one I know is a cat blog.

      30. The title is international space station. It is international because it is made up by 16 countries. The station was started in 1998. During the Columbus space problem it got delayed. Astronauts use a generator to make air out of water molecules. I wonder when it will be done.

      31. Asthma is a common disease. It is caused by allergies. And it is caused by anger.

      32. I watch the movie William Shakespeare.He was a play/poem writer. I learned that he made this kind of poem called a sonnet. A sonnet is a poem with 12 lines. He became a instant play writer.

      33. My movie was digital animation. i learned that brainPOP uses CGI. it is a type of animation. it is used in EVERY movies you watch.
